curious oddities

Undersea Beasties

I just wanted to share a collection of fantastic creatures of the deep- all pictures from my trip to the Natural History Museum in Washington DC. Truly amazing!

For the feline foodie!
May 24, 2009, 2:27 pm
Filed under: Oddities | Tags: , , , , , ,

Spell Well de cat pitated head toysLong gone is the synthetic green pompom, the plastic ball-and-bell, the fluorescent orange tickler. Out is the dreaded hot pink, rabbit fur mouse. Welcome the new generation of fabulous cat toys!

Gush 4  Plush fish skeletonIf your cat dreams of a life by the sea, a skeletal fish (pictured on the left) by Gush 4 Plush (visit the blog) or perhaps a tin of crocheted sardines by Handmade Cottage might feed its seafaring spirit.

For the traditionalist, Spellwell offers a de’cat’pitated mouse, pigeon and fish trio pictured at the top (she also offers a robot head option for vegans. The cat with a more adventurous palate might appreciate a felt Paramecium, a Green Egg or a stick of TNT by Caelista.

And we must not forget the overindulgent sweet tooth for whom a low fat, catnip filled, felt donut by Catzilla Crafts or yarn- iced sockcake by Gooder Goods might just hit the spot!

Catzilla Crafts donut cat toys 4kitty cat sockcake by gooder goods

Santa, ringer of the Apocalypse?

santa-robot-toypostWhat young child wouldn’t be thrill to find this charming toy under the tree on Christmas morning? The “Santa-Bearer-of-Doom-and-Destruction” or as it’s listed in the catalogue: “Father Christmas Robot,” can be ordered from Toy Post.

creepy-santa-robot-toypost-co-ukTo be fair, this toy is listed for adult collecters only. It was made using traditional methods for tin plating, and does not meet current child safety regulations, sorry kids.

Toy post is actually a very cool UK based  shop that  specializes in old-fashioned and traditional toys and games.  They have a fabulous selection of wooden and old tin plate and metal toys too. But this guy…he  definitely tops the freaky list!