curious oddities

Santa, ringer of the Apocalypse?

santa-robot-toypostWhat young child wouldn’t be thrill to find this charming toy under the tree on Christmas morning? The “Santa-Bearer-of-Doom-and-Destruction” or as it’s listed in the catalogue: “Father Christmas Robot,” can be ordered from Toy Post.

creepy-santa-robot-toypost-co-ukTo be fair, this toy is listed for adult collecters only. It was made using traditional methods for tin plating, and does not meet current child safety regulations, sorry kids.

Toy post is actually a very cool UK based  shop that  specializes in old-fashioned and traditional toys and games.  They have a fabulous selection of wooden and old tin plate and metal toys too. But this guy…he  definitely tops the freaky list!

Robots for Hire
March 22, 2008, 2:28 pm
Filed under: Robots | Tags: , ,

Always dreamed of having C-3P0, Bender Rodriguez, or Robby the Robot serve hors d’oeuvres at your birthday party? stand in for you in biology class? oversee the vows at your wedding? Well now you can have the next best thing…

thomasina and the robot minister
Dana and John get married Jan 5, 2008 see Dana aka Thomasina on Etsy

At Florida Robotics you can rent or purchase a robot from their large collection. All their bots have the ability to walk, talk, play music or audio samples and interact with your guests, as well as having the always cool, very essential, pitch-altered voice transmitter.

Prof ROBots Florida RoboticsJay Peg Florida Robotics
Prof R. O. Bots and Jay Peg

Optional add-ons include: water squirters, video monitor/ camera, scrolling display, sound effects, holiday decorations, two-way audio, and of course fiber optic hair.

Unfortunately, you might have some difficulty getting them across the border!